
FAIMA BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT JOURNAL has been founded by the Entrepreneurship and Management Department of Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management (FAIMA) from National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest.

From the first issue until Volume 12, Issue 2 released in June 2024, the Publisher of the journal was NICULESCU Publishing House.

Starting with Volume 12, Issue 3 from September 2024, the new Publisher is POLITEHNICA PRESS.

The primary purpose of FAIMA BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT JOURNAL is to publish scholarly research articles in the fields of Management and Business, as the journal is addressed both to the business environment and scientific area, having 4 issues per year (in March, June, September and December).

The Journal is peer-reviewed and publishes only original, unpublished manuscripts related to contemporary issues in businesses and management, including but not limited to:
- Entrepreneurship
- Business Engineering
- Applied Economics
- Marketing
- Financing
- Quality Management
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Artificial Intelligence
- E-commerce
- Digital Marketing etc.

Therefore any topic in these fields can be considered appropriate for publication in the journal.

The first edition has been released in December 2013, and it has this International Standard Serial Number:
ISSN-L: 2344-4088
ISSN: 2344-4088

FAIMA BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT JOURNAL is indexed in the following international databases:

, ICV 2022: 57.54.

FB&MJ is also underway to be indexed in other major international databases.


Aims & Objectives

Editorial Board

Scientific Advisory

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Referees Guidelines

Author Guidelines

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