International Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Anabela MESQUITA, Professor - Polytechnic Institute of Porto - IPP / ISCAP, Porto, Portugal (Short Bio)
Dr. Azilah KASIM, Professor - University Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Malaysia (Short Bio)
Dr. Boštjan ANTONČIČ, Professor - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (Short Bio)
Dr. Jari SALO, Professor - University of Helsinki, Finland (Short Bio)
Dr. Joanna PALISZKIEWICZ, Professor - Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland (Short Bio)
Dr. Pinar FALCIOGLU, Assoc. Professor - Isik University, Istanbul, Turkey (Short Bio)
Dr. Vito BOBEK, Professor - University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum, Graz, Austria (Short Bio)

Dear Colleagues:
Years have passed like days, and days passed like hours… and the ISAB mandate will come to an end.
I take this opportunity to thank you for your honest and voluntary contributions, which added value to our journal.
And the words are not enough to express, from the deep of my heart, the feelings of gratitude.
Whatever the uncertain future will come with, our trust-based personal ties will remain strong as always were.

Dr. Cezar Scarlat, Professor Emeritus, Chair ISAB


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